To manage the publications that appear under each Group:

  • Click the gear icon gear icon(or the CUSTOMIZE button when in SEE ALL mode) to view SELECT DASHBOARD CONTENT.
  • Select a dashboard from the Group drop-down menu. The available publications for that group will appear.

  • Check the box for content you want to display.  Uncheck boxes for content you do not wish to display.
    • By default, several items are already selected.
    • To hide the group entirely, remove all checks or select Do not display this group.
    • Use Reorder to rearrange the order of the publications.
  • Click the SAVE & CLOSE button to save your changes.

To rearrange groups within CONTENT:

When dashboard Content is comprised of multiple groups, you can hover your cursor in the top right corner of a group, click Drag Content Groups and move the location of that group.

To Rearrange Content within Dashboards:

When dashboard Content is organized into multiple Content Group boxes, such as with the SECURITIES - FEDERAL & INTERNATIONAL practice area, you can hover your cursor in the top right corner of a Content box and click the up/down arrows to change the position of that box.

  For more information, view the video, VitalLaw Practice Areas: