In the VitalLaw® Laws and Regulations dashboard you can quickly compare two versions of a law or regulation using the Redlining feature.  Redlining allows you to see even the smallest changes between two documents.  


  • Redlining is only available on future effective versions of Laws and Regulations and will compare the selected future version with the immediately adjacent prior version.
  • Links in the text are not available when redlining is turned ON.  To use these links, turn redlining OFF.

 To turn on Laws and Regulations Redlining:

  1. Open the future effective version of the law or regulation you would like to compare.
  2. Change the toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the document panel from OFF to ON (left to right) by clicking on the toggle. 

  3. Scroll through the document to see the differences between the selected version and the immediately prior version on the timeline.

Note:  Additions in the newer text are highlighted in green (Additions), and deletions in the newer text are highlighted in red and crossed through (Deletions).

To turn off Laws and Regulations Redlining:

Change the toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the document panel from ON to OFF (right to left).

Note:  Navigating away from the redlined document will reset the Redlining Toggle to the OFF position.