You don't need a special skill to interact with VitalLaw®AI.  You'll still get good results by simply 'talking' to it just as you would a person.  Of course, as with any communication, the more direction you provide, the more relevant the output.  Simple prompts are a great start.  But if you want to learn techniques to optimize your VitalLaw® AI experience, use the following tips and see what works best for you.

What is a Prompt?

A prompt is the question or direction you provide to the AI system to obtain specific results.  To generate useful and meaningful responses it's important to frame your prompt in a way that helps AI understand and respond with useful and relevant answers. 

What Makes an Effective Prompt

  1. Context
    • Provide relevant background information about your case or research topic.
    • Example: "I'm working on a case involving a merger between two pharmaceutical companies."
  2. Subject
    • Clearly state the main topic or legal issue you are researching.
    • Example: "I need information on breach of contract in the technology sector."
  3. Scope
    • Define the breadth and depth of the information you need.
    • Example: "Give me an overview of a loss in the context of business deductions. Keep the response to less than a few paragraphs."
  4. Specific Questions
    • Include precise questions you want answered.
    • Example: "What are the key elements required to prove a material breach of contract in California?"
  5. Desired Output Format
    • Specify how you want the information presented (e.g., summary, bullet points, outline).
    • Example: "Please provide a bulleted list of the main points, followed by a brief explanation of each."

Dos and Don'ts

  1. Be specific and clear in your requests.
  2. Provide relevant context and background information.
  3. Break down complex queries into smaller, manageable prompts.
  4. Specify the type of sources you want (e.g., primary sources, secondary commentary).
  5. Ask for clarification or follow-up questions if the initial response isn't sufficient.
  1. Don't use vague or overly broad prompts.
  2. Avoid asking for legal advice or opinions (VitalLaw® AI is a research tool, not a substitute for professional legal judgment).
  3. Don't assume the AI has knowledge of your specific case details unless you've provided them.
  4. Avoid using legal jargon without explanation, as it may lead to misinterpretation.
  5. Don't rely solely on the AI for critical legal decisions; always verify information through direct review of materials.
  6. Do not ask VitalLaw® AI non-legal questions 
  7. Avoid mixing multiple unrelated topics in one query


An Average Prompt vs. a Good Prompt

In each of the examples, below, the Average Prompt lacks specificity, does not have a time frame, lacks depth or context, and does not provide the exact scope of the desired generation. Whereas, in each of the Good Prompt, there is a clear focus, possibly a reference to a timeline or a specific law, and clear expectation of what the successful response will cover.

NOTE: Your research needs should inform your prompt – in many cases, you may be completely fine with just making a brief, high-level prompt, or asking smaller prompts each time and building on it through the AI Assistant.