To insure that VitalLaw AI is turned on, be sure to check the box at INCLUDE AI GENERATED ANSWER found under the search field.

There are three places on the VitalLaw® platform where you can interact with AI capabilities:

  1. From the Search Bar - You can input any query in natural language and see an AI-generated answer.  
  2. From the Search Results list - Once you've performed your search, select one or more documents in the search results and then click the AI "sparkle" icon.Sparkle icon
  3. From a single document - If you want to use AI to interact with one specific document, simply navigate (or search) to that document, and click on the AI "sparkle" icon.Sparkle icon

From the Search bar

Conduct a natural language search using everyday, conversational language.  VitalLaw® AI analyzes your search and presents you with a summary.  

NOTE:  While VitalLaw® AI can work with a search that includes connectors and wildcards, results may be inconsistent. 

Editorially Curated Answer

For key topics, our Editors have composed a robust set of Questions and Answers.  VitalLaw® AI uses semantic language understanding to analyze your query and check for matches to existing Editorially Curated Answers.   In this way, the Answer is built using both Wolters Kluwer’s primary and secondary content as well as our 'editors in the loop'. 

Clickable Source citations provide the references from which the answer was drawn.  Click to open each citation in its own browser tab.


NOTE: For Editorially Curated Answers, source citations are collected from the full VitalLaw® library - regardless of subscription.  As a result, while providing the best answer, the links may direct you to content outside of your subscription. 

Thumbs Up/Down icons allow you to react to the answer.  Your responses are analyzed by both the system and our editors to improve our results and answers.  

Related Questions allow you to refine the focus and uncover facets that might easily have been missed otherwise.  These questions have their own citations giving you the chance to open and review a variety of related primary and secondary content without the need to go back and modify the search. 


AI Generated Answer

Depending on the search expression, VitalLaw® may present you with an AI Generated Answer along with linkable sources pulled from your subscription.  

Turning On/Off Editorially Curated and AI Generated Answers

You may turn on or off Editorially Curated and AI Generated Answers – at any time during your research session - via the checkbox found under the search field.  If the box is not checked, Editorially Curated and AI Generated Answers will not be visible post-search. Your preference will remain in effect even after you logoff and start a new session - until you check or uncheck the box again.

From the Search Results List

Once you've performed a search, select one or more documents from the search results list and click on the AI "sparkle" icon activating the VitaLaw® AI Assistant.

NOTE: The AI "sparkle" icon is only active once you have selected a document from the list or you are viewing a single document. 

VitalLaw® AI Assistant

The VitalLaw® AI Assistant lists the document(s) you selected and provides next step options including document summarization, related questions and answers, and Interactive Chat.

The Summarize Documents feature enables you to efficiently see a short and relevant summary of your issue from within the selected documents.

Interactive Chat allows you to interact with the Assistant via prompts.  You can ask more specific questions or request additional information, such as a checklist or a bullet points, related to the selected documents. 

NOTE: See the article Writing Effective Prompts for examples, guidance, and best practices when interacting with VitalLaw® AI.

At a single document

If you want to interact with one specific document, simply navigate to the document (via browse or search), and click the AI "sparkle" icon.  The AI Assistant will provide next steps and suggested questions to help you gain deeper and more meaningful insights.

NOTE:  Summarize Document is especially helpful when you are working with a very long document and wish to read a robust, high-level overview.